On July 1st, the Microsoft MVP Award Program announced new and renewed MVPs. We at atwork are happy that our MVP’s have been renewed for their community contributions for 2018-2019!
The MVP Award is Microsoft’s way of thanking outstanding community leaders based on their actions to share knowledge and technology in all possible ways, from speaking engagements to supporting others in communities. An MVP is awarded for contributions over the previous year. See more abut the MVP program at mvp.microsoft.com and learn about the award categories here.
So, at atwork, we are currently four Microsoft MVP’s, who have been renewed today.
Martina Grom, MVP Office Servers and Services, Microsoft Regional Director, CEO atwork
Martina was one of eight of the first awarded MVP’s for Office 365 in 2011, see blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mvpawardprogram/2011...
Toni Pohl, MVP Microsoft Azure and Office Development, CTO atwork
Sigi Jagott, MVP Office Servers and Services, CEO atwork deutschland
Dominik Höfling, MVP Office Servers and Services, consultant atwork deutschland
So, we are proud to receive the MVP award for another year!
As of today, there are 3011 active persons on the MVP Search web page. Before, there were almost 3900 active community leaders world-wide who have received the Microsoft MVP award. It’s sad to see many of our colleagues and friends not being re-awarded, but there is the MVP Reconnect program as a way to stay in touch with the program and peers after the MVP award periods ended. And, of course, connections and friends stay! So, a big thank you to all MVP’s for your great contributions in books, articles, blog posts, forums, Open Source projects and for transporting your knowledge and your passion within the tech communities!
Update: If your are interested in the MVP numbers, see Michel's MVP’s around the World statistics and Gil's Microsoft MVP Award 2018-2019 statistics.
To find out more about the Microsoft MVP program and other MVP's, visit the mvp.microsoft.com site and follow @MVPAward on Twitter.
Congrats to all new and renewed MVP colleagues! You guys rock! #mvpbuzz