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Project Online / Project Server: Project Detail Pages – Enhancements (Part 3) – Show/Hide a field based on the value of an internal field using REST


This is the third part of articles discussing Project Detail Page enhancements:

  1. Show/hide a field depending on the value of an internal field on the same page
  2. Show/hide a field depending on the value of an Enterprise Custom field on the same page
  3. Show/Hide a field based on the value of an internal field using REST

For a description for preparation of a Project Detail Page for JavaScript, see General Preparation.

This time, we will show or hide a field depending on the value of an internal field not available on this page. To get the value, we will use REST API. There are two restrictions:

  1. This code will not work with Project Server 2013 (and below). Project Server 2013 does not provide internal field information using REST. You can make it work with OData, but I avoid this since it requires more permissions for Team Members than usually provided.
  2. This code will not work in delegate session in on premise environments. Within a delegate session, REST is not available per 2019-01-28 in Project Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. To test, open a delegate session and enter “http(s)://<SERVER>/PWA/_api/ProjectServer/Projects” as address in browser. You will get the following result:

In this sample, Enterprise Custom Field CostCenter will be hidden, if internal field Cost = 0. To use different fields change FieldToCheck and FieldToHide accordingly. Using the appropriate line for “var RESTAppendix”, you can decide if you want to retrieve the value of the saved or the published version of the project.

<!-- Change path for jquery-2.1.1.min.js --> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "/sites/pwa/Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script><script type = "text/javascript">// This script will hide a Enterprise Custom Field on a Project Detail Page if an internal filed not displayed on the page is empty or 0// Change FieldToCheck to internal field name to be checked. Replace "Cost" by field to be used. Using an object for future purposesvar FieldToCheck = {
        Cost: undefined
    };// Change To Enterprise Custom Field name to be hiddenvar FieldToHide = "CostCenter";// Use appropriate variable RESTAppendixvar RESTAppendix = "/Draft/ProjectSummaryTask"//Draft data as available after save only//var RESTAppendix = "/ProjectSummaryTask" //Without "Draft", last published information will be evaluated//A global variable is necessaryvar Delegate; // Online necessary in on premise environments//var FieldToCheckValue={};//Call main function
$(document).ready(ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(MainFunction, "sp.js"));//MainFunction function MainFunction() {//Use this part only with On Premise - begin  if (WPSC.WebPartPage.WebURL.indexOf("sharepoint.com") == 0) {
        CheckDelegate();if (Delegate == true) {
            console.log("Delegate session active - REST not working on premise");return;
    }//Use this part only with On Premise - end//function to retrieve Project information
    GetProjectProperties(PDP_projUid, FieldToCheck, RESTAppendix);//GetProjectProperties is written to return more than one information. To call function FieldToCheck we need only one field with ist valuevar FieldToCheckValue = {};
    FieldToCheckValue.name = Object.keys(FieldToCheck)[0];
    FieldToCheckValue.value = FieldToCheck[Object.keys(FieldToCheck)[0]];
}function CheckDelegate() {var data = $.ajax({// we need the result, therefore "async: false"
        async: false,
        url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Projectserver()?$SELECT=IsDelegate",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {
            Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"

    data.done(function(data) {if (data.d.results == undefined) {
            Delegate = data.d.IsDelegate;
}//Get ProjectProperties: FieldsToLock,function GetProjectProperties(ProjectUID, InternalFields, REST) {var data = $.ajax({
        async: false,
        url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/ProjectServer/Projects(guid'" + ProjectUID + "')" + REST,
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {
            Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
    data.done(function(data) {if (data.d.results == undefined) {//This script is written to be re-used for future purposes. To get a specific value directly, the following lines can be replaced by e.g.//  InternalFields["Cost"] = data.d.Cost  //remove "//" at begin of this line to enable simple approach//  /*                                    //remove "//" at begin of this line to enable simple approach
            ResultData = data.d;for (var pfProperty in InternalFields) {for (var key in ResultData) {if (key == pfProperty) {
                        console.log('property: ' + key + 'value: ' + ResultData[key]);
                        InternalFields[pfProperty] = ResultData[key];
            }//  */                                    //remove "//" at begin of this line to enable simple approach
}//This function will evaluate the field value to define visibility requirementfunction CheckFieldValue(field) {if (field != null&& field.value != ""&& field.value != 0) {
        setFieldVisibility(FieldToHide, true);
    } else {
        setFieldVisibility(FieldToHide, false);
}//Show/Hide a fieldfunction setFieldVisibility(field, bool) {
    $(".ms-accentText").each(function(index) {if ($(this).text() == field) {
} </script>

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