For testing purposes, having sample data is very helpful. Recently, I stumbled about a useful tool to get sample images for a custom topic quickly. See how to get test images here.
So, imagine you need sample images for testing the Microsoft Custom Vision API. How to get sample pictures? Well, there’s a great source for that by Dmitri Soshnikov. at Custom Vision API demo on GitHub. Download the imdownload.exe tools and run this command line executable with a syntax as here:
imdownload [your Bing search key] "tropical fish" fish#.jpg 30
This means, download 30 images marked with the topic "tropical fish" from Bing search and name the images fish[number].jpg. In the article, there’s also a demo key for testing this tool. Easy as that. The result delivered by Bing search might look as here:
Thanks Dmitri for that great article and the tool.
I find this useful. Hope it helps for your testing scenarios.