As announced here D365 version 3.2 has support of security groups. This also includes management of “mail enabled security groups”. The differences between “mail enabled security group” and “distribution group” are explained in TechNet, here´s a quick definition:
Mail-enabled security group: A mail-enabled security group is an Active Directory universal security group object that can be used to assign access permissions to resources in Active Directory and can also be used to distribute messages.
Distribution group: A distribution group is a mail-enabled Active Directory distribution group object that can be used only to distribute messages to a group of recipients.
One important differentiation is that f.e. “mail enabled security groups” act like a default “distribution group” but can also be used for setting permissions in SPO (since they are visible in SharePoint permission lists). “Distribution Groups” are simply for having an email address for a group of users, “send as” rights can be set, in mode “open” users can request membership and so on.
Both group types are stored in AAD.
So what´s new in D365?
- The distribution groups list now shows an additional column “Type”. In there´s a description what type of distribution group is used. A standard DG usually returns the type “Universal” (or System), a mail enabled security group returns additionally the attribute “SecurityEnabled”.
For the admin all DG´s are shown in one, filterable list whether it´s a DG or a mail enabled security group.
- When creating a new Distribution Group there´s a new checkbox for setting if this DG shall be a “Mail enabled security group” or a “distribution group”.
- Also the checkbox “Allow external senders” is now marked by default. This signal defines if the new DG is available for external email users or not (which makes sense in most cases that´s why we switched in ON by default).
- Using the Windows Azure “spinner”. When loading data the D365 portal shows a spinning wheel for showing that the process takes some time. We replaced the “recylce spinner” with the animated spinner of the Azure portal – we thought this Look & Feel is more appropriate for our cloud solution.
So D365 version 3.2 provides management of security groups, mail enabled security groups and distribution groups within the Delegate365 portal.
Existing D365 tenants will be updated to version 3.2 this week.